Coronavirus is a diseases which is came from China this virus is most dangerous for us. Coronavirus confirmed coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19) We have to protect ourself. Coronavirus symptoms are
- cough- cold
- fever
- shortness of breath
For this disease there is no prevention. Scientists are still working on this virus.
To protect from coronavirus
- be avoid close contact to the people who are sick
-aviod touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
-stay home when you are sick
-fellow CDC 's face mask
-wash your hands with soap about 20 seconds
How can i help protect my self?
The best way to prevent infection to avoid being exposed to the virus that causes (COVID-19).
What is coronavirus disease?
Coronavirus disease is which the virus spreaded by person to person the viruses causes (COVID-19) is a novel coronavirus that was the first identified during the investigation into an wuhan, China.
These virus is came from bats and snakes.huge members are death from wuhan these are the estimated graph in given below.